Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Now it's 2012 and I have moved to a house with a garage!!! The first thing I did was strip the bike down and give it a good clean, which it deserved. Then I change the parts required, new battery, new tyres, fork dust cover and a couple of cables. My mate Grant gave me all the tips and sprays/cleaners I need to do a thorough job. Then  Andy came and bleed my front brake ready for MOT.(Must mention Jim for fitting tyres and ordering parts for me!)

Now its the March and I am ready, have been out nearly every day since I got the MOT!!

THE REASON for this Blog.....

My Bro/Boss called me up on Monday night seeing if I could go up to Scotland this week to work for a couple of days. The first question I asked was did I need to bring my PC.? No he answered! Fantastic I will be up on Wednesday on my Kwak!!!!

So this is it the first proper trip of the year!"! And Why a blog about it?? Because I can see this as the first of many, give me a chance and I'll be there on my bike!!

And so the first trip is to Lanark on Wednesday morning and Back again on Thursday....... We'll see...........